In recent years, the demand for cosmetic surgeries has spread like wildfire across the earth.
People are increasingly going under the knife to fix crooked nose, chin bone, sagging jowls, tummy tucks are very popular, breast lifts or implants are rampant. But with this increase in demand has emerged botched procedures by unqualified practitioners.
Therefore, before considering cosmetic surgery, you must consider certain factors before you get under the knife. First, the person must be a qualified and certified practitioner, this is not negotiable. In detail the factors to consider before a cosmetic surgery include;
- A Qualified Practitioner
This is a very vital step, ensuring that the medical practitioner is a qualified, certified, and experienced plastic surgeon or otherwise.
There is an increasing number of people conducting cosmetic surgeries, some even medical doctors or cardiologists. Therefore, you have to ensure that your selected surgeon is certified and has maintained such certification over the years.
So, if your selected surgeon is not a qualified cosmetic surgeon, please continue your search and do not settle for such a person.
- Realistic Expectations
Do not expect your new look to get a good job or give you a loving relationship. Yes, cosmetic surgery can improve your look, giving your confidence in the process, but learn to be realistic with your expectations. This will help you accept the outcome and make the best out of it.
- Facility Evaluation
Beyond ensuring the credential of your surgeon, you equally have to evaluate the facility in which the surgery is to occur.
Private houses, offices, etc. are not fully equipped to handle any complications that could arise from the surgery. Therefore, do not put your life at risk, but also ensure the facility is an accredited medical centre or hospital.
In summary, cosmetic surgery is an expensive process not covered by insurance. Therefore, ensure you plan properly and save towards it before you go for cosmetic surgery. Paying heed to these factors will save you a lot of stress and avert potential risks in the process.